Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Training Plateau

Breaking thru a training plateau

   Serena DeVito & Jeremy LeBeau are constantly striving for greater results in their healthy & fit Journeys.  Sometimes, they hit what some people call a “plateau” in their progress and seem to get a bit stuck in the middle… not moving forward, and not moving backwards, just reaming at the same level… this kind of plateau we are talking about can refer to progress in the weight loss or progress in the weight training.  So, how do we effectively break thru the plateau? First off, let us say that a plateau is not a bad thing… it just means you have progressed to a certain level, and its okay to remain there if you choose, or its time to Adjust!   

  So, you think it’s time to Adjust? But, what to adjust? Here is the list of things Serena Devito and Jeremy LeBeau use to break thru a plateau.

1)    Rest, sometimes backing off and allowing more recovery can break us thru to a new level.

2)                        Intensity , many times during the week we adjust how hard we attack the training for the day, this allows us to go hard on a certain body part of training area, and back off another.

3)  Food Intake, bumps your calories, or decreases them, depending on what you desire… DIET PLAYS A GIANT ROLE IN OVERALL TRAINING!

4)Tempo, adjust how fast or slow you move the weights

5)  Change your routine, we often switch up are training daily, and  never let the body get used to a certain routine

6)  Sets, increase your amount of weight moved or lower the amount of weight moved.

7)  Go heavier or go lighter, adjust how much weight during a certain lift, can always allow us to move past a sticking point

8) Time, workout faster between sets, or take more time during your lifts.