Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Leg Training

Wednesday Hump Day Training

  Serena DeVito & Jeremy LeBeau blasted legs in the gym today! It’s the middle of the week and a great time to dig a bit deeper on the diet and Training.  Many times we find that splitting up the week into parts; helps keep the focus on our goals!  For example, over last weekend we trained hard, but relaxed a bit on the cardio and allowed a bit of a more relaxed diet.  Now, during the week we both have buckled down to a very strict diet and intense training. So, when Wednesday roles around we both can start to feel the effects of a lower caloric diet and the constant lifting of the weights…but, its leg day again and legs are such an important part of developing our bodies to be greatest physiques!

  We currently train legs 2x a week, so today we focused on blasting different exercises that we didn’t hit on Sunday.  Serena Devito & Jeremy LeBeau both lifted about medium weights and went a bit higher with the reps, with a real focus on squeezing out the muscle.  We lifted the Iron for about 45mins, with a 10 mins of warming up…Again, we find that intensity in the gym brings us the best results!


Barbell Squat

Barbell Front Squat

Smith-Machine Lunges

Leg Extension

Lying Leg Curl

Leg Press

Seated Leg Curl

Standing Leg Curl

Sets, Weight, and Reps were all not recorded and all determined on how we felt at the moment of the exercise!