Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hump Day Leg Day

 It’s the middle of the week and Serena DeVito & Jeremy LeBeau rocked legs in the gym this morning… We both trained at a very fast tempo and rocked the workout in about 45min, with a 10min warm-up.  We last blasted our legs on Sunday and we both still feel that workout, but it’s a new day and weight needed to be moved, goals needed to be reached and it’s just what we do!  Again, we train seven days a week with the weights currently and are both in the middle of a fat loss and muscle retention agenda.  Serena DeVito and Jeremy LeBeau both had a great workout and will spend the rest of the day eating clean foods to help recover from the weight session.

Some Leg exercises we hit today

Barbell Squats

Front box Squats

Leg Press

Smith machine lunges

Lying leg curl

Leg Extension

Hack squat Machine

We didn’t have a set number of reps, sets or weight… we both just rocked the weight depending on how our bodies felt at that moment…we find this is the best way to train.