Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Healthy & Fit

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their lives by altering their attitudes.” –William James

It can be a strange feeling once you realize how much power; you truly have over your healthy and fit body!

Adjust your ATTIUTUDE! Believe in yourself!

U can achieve your Fit body, with a Healthy mindset, Consistent Exercise & a Diet of Quality Clean Eating!

The Gift of living--- What a Great experience!

 Life-Simply the greatest thinkable thought.

How can we maximize this experience?

Creating the Healthiest & Most In shape Body possible!

                                Its time you choose to enjoy your present, with A Healthy & Fit Body!

At some point in time, I realized that I never had given much thought to my own experience, and had always let others shape my world for me with their experiences.

Until one Day, the light went on inside me, and I took responsibility for my own life! I began to trust in my direct Experiences, which helped me gather knowledge of how to achieve a Healthy and physically fit Body…

I had read so much information, and always tried to apply this info to my own experience… I did benefit from this type of learning and knowledge, but it wasn’t until I believed in my own Direct experiences did I really excel in becoming the Lean, Fit, Healthy Body, that I always desired!

What does this mean, you may ask?

Well, it means that my DIET is based on what I realized works best for my body!  I found which certain foods responded better with my body type, than others… I learned how my working out, affected my body, and designed a program that worked best for me!

So, what happened? Well, I achieved far greater results than I had ever imagined possible!  My body started to work together with my mind!  Yes, that right! The Mind & Body connect!   I would trust my own experience as the ultimate source to knowledge! It was a long time coming, and I had finally stumbled onto the information I really needed… My own experience with Diet & Exercise!

What now?

I smile at life and life smiles back at me! = positive Energy! + Healthy Fit Body!

Now, rock your healthy & fit body!